Tuesday, May 31, 2011

the last couple of weeks

hey all
i finally finished up my first semester of this online grad school thing and found some time to work on these sketch blog sketches. i had done a few little ones but didn't get them anywhere near a level i felt like sharing. i have colored my hawkman, my jim gordan and my harvey bullock. i need to add colors to my hawkgirl, renee montoya and captain marvel. in the spirit of trying to keep up i am going to share with you what i have for these characters anyways and hopefully will update this post later with the final versions of the sketches that need more work. i believe these are sketches for weeks 18 19 and 20 but am not entirely sure anymore. anyways here is some stuff.

1 comment:

  1. man i got to figure out how to make sure i keep my computer screen tilted correctly when i am coloring because that hot pink night sky for the gordan sketch was far redder on my laptop screen when i was drawing it.
