Friday, April 22, 2011

week 16...

... fire was the theme today. for ras i paid homage to batman begins with the league of shadows scene.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Switch places

hey i am once again late to my own party
here are my mad hatter (for the batman list) and my ice (for the jla list)
hopefully i will quit being late

Friday, April 8, 2011

week 14...

... i've been sick. it sucks... here's the mad hatter and ice. hope you guys like...


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ice and The Mad Hatter

Not crazy about my Ice (the bottom picture) for the JLA list.

I really like my Mad Hatter (for Batman)

Monday, April 4, 2011

the past 2 weeks

hey all
sorry i am late with both the past weeks sketches. i don't really have much of an excuse but i have been trying to spend more time on class work rather than other stuff so we'll go with that. i had these sketches done during the weeks they needed to be posted but i never got around to scanning them and putting them up. so here they are from week 12(i think) we have bane for the batman list and maxima for the jla list. and for week 13 (i think) we have fire for the jla list and hush for the batman list.
the fire was done entirely on manga studio and the hush was me fooling around with a ball point pen at work (at a job that ran out of funding to pay me so i guess that happened as well this last week). the others were done in my standard pencil and then ink process. thanks

week 13...

quick con style sketches this week. things. have. been. crazy. my sister just had another baby, so with that on top of everything else its been hectic. i let it slide cuz the kid's not so bad. she's really laid back, at least when i'm there. at night it may be a different story. things should settle down soon... or they may get a whole new kind of crazy, who knows...


week 12: bane...

i did like a steampunk-ish version of bane. he's sir banengton. he's a brute, yet gentlemanly about it... he also has exhaust pipes coming out of his back... and some weird tech on the side of his head... yea...
