Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Fire and Hush

Here is my Hush drawing. I don't like it. I am not crazy about the shape of his face. I like the idea behind the pose. Hush is a villain from Batman and he is this week's Batman list character. I think the coloring is close. I really like how I colored the glove and I kind of like his face wrapping.

This is my version of Fire. She was a member of the Justice League International. Since that was during the 1980s, I decided to honor that by keeping the coloring simple and flat like in an 80s superhero comic. The only thing I like about this drawing is the coloring of the fire around her hand. And yes, Fire's power is to create fire. Now that is some really inventive naming there.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 26

Here is my Maxima for this week's JLA List. I didn't have time to color it on the computer. I am not great at drawing women but I thought this wasn't horrible.Here is my Bane drawing for the Batman list. I wanted this drawing to look like a coloring book page so I outlined it with a black marker. I also wanted it to be like those old Dick and Jane story books so I added some very simple words to it. They aren't the easiest to see with this size jpeg so I am going to write it out again.
It says:

See Bane.
See Bane Hurt Batman.
Naughty Bane.

I am disappointed in these drawing as well. Sigh, I think I am just not happy with the way I draw at the moment. Oh well. You can't win them all.

Booster Gold


Here is my Booster Gold. I am not super happy with this one but it isn't really bad either.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


I meant to do a whole blog post with both sketches from last week on it, but somehow I didn't put my Booster Gold sketch on my thumb drive.
Anyway, I think this Riddler looks like Tommy Lee Jones. I am not too happy with either it or the Booster Gold that you all will see shortly.

Monday, March 21, 2011

here are my riddler and booster gold. riddler is for the batman sketch list and booster gold is for the jla list. the riddler was done entirely in manga studio so blame the stiffness on my inability to use a stylus and draw digitally for that one(or at least most of the stiffness). the boostergold was me with pencil and then inking markers. sorry they are later than i wanted them.oh and i used soder cola which is from the tick because i keep thinking about a tick like cartoon show about booster gold (as a stand in for the tick) and blue beetle as a stand in for arthur.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

week 11...

sketchbook pages this week... feels good to hold a pencil again. i see that i have become too reliant on the apple-z function, so i have to break myself of that habit.


OH YEA, i made booster gold black. he is now booster gizzold... also i didn't know the robot's name until after i started drawing this, and it so happens that that all came together so well...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

here is the penguin for the batman list and blue beetle for the jla list. i spilled ink all over myself doing these. also sorry they are late but i got busy trying to do grad school.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Week Ten-JLA List

The one the only...Ted Kord!
None of the other people to carry the code name Blue Beetle have come anywhere near the awesomeness that is Ted Kord.

Week Ten Batman List

I liked this one so much that I decided to do a post of it by itself.
He is such a creepy little bugger, isn't he?


Here are my attempts at Killer Croc and Guy Gardner. They took so long because I wanted to color them on the computer and I have been busy.
I rather enjoy the Croc.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

guygardner and killer croc

i like my croc. he was done for the batman list. the guy gardner was done for the jla list. i fiddled around with markers, high lighters, and colored pencils on that one.