Friday, January 21, 2011

Here is Aquaman! There is some shading on him but it is hard to see because I picked colors that were a little too close to the base color. I don't know how to make "real" highlights and shadows in Photoshop and so I just made a new layer with less opacity and picked colors in the same family as the base colors.

Anyway, I like it.

Here's Red Robin. This is my least favorite persona for Tim Drake. I liked him better as Robin. Anyway, I tried to do the same thing I did with Aquaman but this time with blacks. I think it looked better on my computer than it does here. There is "highlighting" and "shadows" on his cape, gloves, and mask but they aren't very apparent. I'll keep monkeying with Photoshop and maybe by the end of the year I will actually know how to use it.

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